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Audi A5 - Pregled iz Boris Pavlovic

Bok svima. Želim vam reći kako sam odabrao Audi A5 Sportback i što je od toga došlo. Nekoliko mjeseci pažljivo sam proučavao kritike, otišao u salone i pomno pogledao. Ali nakon testne vožnje u Audi A5, shvatio sam da je izbor već jasan. Impresionirali su me sjedala i slijetanje - stvoreni su uzimajući u obzir sve anatomske značajke. Kad sjednete u stolicu, osjećate visoku klasu njemačke kvalitete. Pogon na sva četiri kotača - opcija je upravo super, automobil vozi pouzdano i stabilno! Glatko trčanje, izvrsna unutrašnjost, stabilnost ceste, informativna nadzorna ploča - sve to stvara osjećaj sigurnosti i potpunu kontrolu nad situacijom na cesti. Nikad se nisam osjećao tako dobro ni u jednom drugom automobilu. Ovo nije jedini automobil u obitelji, pa se ne može reći da se koristi vrlo aktivno. Ali već dvije godine ništa se nije pokvarilo, nije bilo škljocanja ili drugih neugodnih tragova operacije. Automobil je pouzdan i visokokvalitetan. Osjeća se u svakom detalju. Od negativnih točaka primjećujem potrošnju goriva 12-13 litara u gradu, kao i skupo održavanje. Ali za tako šik automobil, ovaj novac nije šteta.
Hi all. I want to tell you how I chose the Audi A5 Sportback, and what came of it. For several months I carefully studied the reviews, went to the salons and looked closely. But after a test drive in the Audi A5, I realized that the choice is already clear. I was impressed by the seats and landing - they are created taking into account all the anatomical features. When you sit down in a chair, you feel the high class of German quality. Four-wheel drive - the option is just super, the car drives confidently and stably! Smooth running, excellent interior, road stability, informative dashboard - all this creates a feeling of safety and complete control over the situation on the road. I have never felt so good in any other car. This is not the only car in the family, so it cannot be said that it is used very actively. But for 2 years nothing broke, there were no scuffs or other unpleasant traces of operation. The car is reliable and high quality. It is felt in every detail. Of the negative points, I note the fuel consumption of 12-13 liters in the city, as well as expensive maintenance. But for such a chic car, this money is not a pity.

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